Benefits of Onion

  It helps us with so many things that we don't even know about.
1: Onion helps us to reduce the pain after a Bee sting. when you're stung by a bee. it can be very painful and swelling experience. Applying ice and taking painkillers can be so useful. but here is a tip you may have not tried. Apply a freshly cut Onion to the affected area to reduce the pain.
2 : Lowers bad cholesterol. Specially the red ones can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol. study shows that consuming half a raw onion daily can help to raise the good HDL cholesterol by 30%
3: Increases the supply the glatathione.
4: Stops colds in their tracks
5: It may help keep blood sugar under control.
6: Onion removes our dark skin spots from our skin.
7: Onions are rich in quercetin.
8: Detoxifying with onions.
9: Onion may help prevent cancer.
10:  It helps us to maintain our Brain healths.


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